Thursday, December 15, 2011

Most Common Change Barriers

Change Does Not Feel Relevant
When some kind of change initiative comes down the pike, it will usually be rejected if it does not directly connect with people’s needs
This change will not help me with my problems!
I have not been asked to participate in the process, so I’m not really invested in seeing it through!

Insufficient Margin
When a person experiences more demands than they have energy and resources to address them, new learning and performance activities cannot be implemented:
Help, I’m overwhelmed and can’t manage what’s already on my plate!

Anxiety or Distraction from Information/Communication Overload
Too much information, or too much communication around issues, resulting in confusion, frustration, or saturation.
We are too STRESSED to take on anything new!

Attempting to implement new behaviors and practices without changing the system that keeps the old behaviors in place:
We’re spinning our wheels because the same old issue keeps coming up!

Defensive Routines
Deflecting criticism, blaming other people or events, avoiding tasks, or behaving in ways that shift responsibility to others to prevent uncomfortable or embarrassing consequences:
There is somebody or something to blame!

Clinging to a Fixed, Positive Organizational Identity from the Past at the Expense of Current and Accurate Organizational Assessments
I wish it was like it used to be; that was so much better!

Too Many Changes over a Short Period of Time Leading to Fatigue and Resistance to Other, More Essential Changes
I’m done; I just won’t change any more!

Performance Whitewashing
Treating all goals and outcomes the same thus diverting energy and attention from the most critical priorities
I’ll put out whatever fire is in front of me, even though something more important may need to get done!

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